Make a donation online
We are a small, volunteer-run group of educational writers and teachers who share a passion for driving positive change through education. We keep our running costs as low as possible by working online, but do rely on donors to keep our resources completely free. Please donate to help build a kinder, sustainable and more peaceable world for all living beings through the power of education.
This option lets you make a secure donation via PayPal or credit card.
“Thank you! Very helpful for all my teaching. Here’s to a kind world.”
– Anna J.
Donate by direct deposit
You can donate directly to ThinkKind Inc. via the Commonwealth Bank, BSB: 06 2703, Account number: 1017 0726 – please add your name as a reference and if you’d like, email us your mailing address so that we can send you a receipt and thank you note. We are not able to receive notifications of donations made via direct deposit, so please contact us to request a receipt.
Donate by cheque
Cheques can be sent to 166 Bunyah Road Firefly NSW and made payable to ‘ThinkKind Inc.’. Please include a return address so we can send you a receipt.
ThinkKind Inc. is registered under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 as an incorporated association in NSW by the Department of Fair Trading. ThinkKind is registered as a charity by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
Support us by sharing your feedback
Above all, the single most valuable way to support our work is by telling us about your experiences using our resources.
We value genuine feedback from other primary teachers – it’s the best way we can continue to develop the best-quality humane education resources for your students.
Get in touch with us below to share your experiences using ThinkKind. The more detail, the better! Thank you for your support.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
– Nelson Mandela