October 1st to 7th
The Be Kind to Animals Week school event invites students to celebrate compassion and respect for all living beings and find ways to improve the lives of other animals.
Did you know? Studies show that children who are kind to animals are more likely to act kindly towards their peers.
Be Kind to Animals Week is an annual nationwide event where schools are invited to do one kind act for animals. This could be anything from building birdbaths around the school to raising funds for a local animal shelter to creating posters about important animal rights issues.
The school initiative in run in partnership with Edgar’s Mission Farm Animal Sanctuary, and is all about inspiring and empowering students to take positive action for animals while having fun, building skills in critical thinking and ethical understanding and learning the value of empathy, responsibility and active citizenship in our communities.
All Australian primary and secondary schools are invited to take part and submit a photo or video to share their project and impact.

2016 Theme: Sentience
In 2016, students were encouraged to choose a project that focuses on animals raised for human use—such as in food production, entertainment and animal testing.
Sentience is one of the most important concepts to understand when talking about the treatment of other animals. It refers to a living being’s ability to perceive and feel things.
An animal is sentient if it is capable of being aware of its surroundings, its relationships with others, and of sensations in its own body, including pain, hunger, heat or cold.
The 2016 Resource Kit includes project ideas, lesson plans, in-class activity ideas and student worksheets that can be reused again this year.
You can download the 2015 Resource Kit (PDF) here.
Check out some of these inspiring student projects!
How to Get Your Students Involved This Year
Step 1: Download your free Teacher’s Resource Kit
The 2015 and 2016 Resource Kits include fun and educational project ideas, lesson plans and worksheets designed to get you started. The kits will help you prepare students with some of the skills and knowledge required to get the most out of their learning experience.
Step 2: Carry out your project
Choose a project that demonstrates kindness towards animals or raises awareness about animal issues in your school or local community. These can be done anytime from now until the end of October, during school hours or over the school holidays.
Step 3: Submit your project
Submit your project as an image attachment or video link by emailing admin@thinkkind.org. Please do not send large attachments via email (e.g. videos can be hosted on YouTube and submitted by a video link). Include ‘Be Kind to Animals Week Submission’ in the subject line along with a brief description of your project. All entrants will receive an official Be Kind to Animals Week certificate.