Meeting needs kindergarten


Keep your little ones learning and entertained at home! These fun and educational kindergarten worksheets make the perfect boredom busters and nurture compassion, understanding and respect for all animals.



Year Level: K–1

Learning area: Science, English, Visual Arts

General capabilities: Critical and creative thinking; literacy


Learning Objectives and Outcomes

This homeschool worksheet bundle explores the concept that animals have feelings and needs. Children will draw on their own experiences to identify the needs and emotions humans share with other animals, particularly farm animals. They will also learn how visual clues (both imagined and in real life) can tell us how other animals are feeling.

Your child will:

  • understand that farm animals have needs similar to our own, including food, water, shelter, social time and exercise
  • understand and identify feelings that farm animals can display, such as feeling playful, happy, hungry, thirsty or sad
  • create four images that record different feelings they have experienced, and recognise some of the ways feelings are conveyed by visual representations of other animals.

Curriculum codes


  • ACSSU002: Living things have basic needs, including food and water (identifying the needs of humans and animals, such as warmth, food and water, using students’ own experiences) 


  • ACELA1429: Understand that language can be used to explore ways of expressing needs, likes and dislikes (recognising some of the ways emotions and feelings can be conveyed and influenced by visual representations, for example in advertising and animation)

Visual Arts:

  • ACAVAM106: Explore ideas, experiences, observations and imagination to create visual artworks and design (observing and recording the shapes, colours and textures of people, objects and concepts they experience in their daily lives)


Tip: Younger children may need the printed instructions read aloud.


‘Farm Animals Have Needs’: food; water; shelter; shade (there are four animals in the barn; the cow is standing under a tree)

‘Animals Have Needs’: food; shelter; water; fresh air; exercise; social time

‘Farm Animals Have Feelings’: playful, happy, hungry, sad, thirsty, happy

‘Animal Drawings’: Answers may vary. Possible answers that identify human-like features in the drawings include: the pig has its arms raised; the pig is standing on two legs; the cow is smiling; the chicken is smiling; the pig has two front arms; the pig is sitting on its rear; the pig is crying tears.


Extension Activities (Optional)

Imagine your pet with human-like qualities 

What does your dog or cat look like when they are feeling happy, sad, playful, scared or lonely? Write some words to describe them (e.g. their ears pin back, their tail wags, they start running and jumping).

Now draw a picture and imagine your pet with human-like qualities. They might be smiling, dancing, kicking a football or even speaking words. 

‘Trotksy the Pig’ homeschool lesson

Trotsky isn’t your regular house pet…he’s a pig! He and his human Elvis enjoy a very special friendship. In this lesson, children will learn about the complex and endearing nature of pigs, including their physical, emotional and social needs.